Get a front row seat to the construction progress on the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex! Check back each month for the latest time lapse video capturing the development of Joplin’s new home for the arts.
August 2022
As its completion draws nearer and nearer, Crossland Construction is putting the final touches on the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex! In August 2022, construction crews assembled outdoor light poles, graded the outdoor site, painted different areas inside the building, polished floors, installed cameras and additional wood panels, began preliminary cleaning, and more. See some of this work and some sneak peeks of the building in this time lapse video!
JULY 2022
July was quite the month for ongoing construction on the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex! Crossland Construction crews painted, installed wood bases, polished floors, and installed doors, hardware inside, and bathroom partitions. Outside, crews continued preparing sidewalks, grading the site, and installing storm sewer systems. Watch all this and more in the newest time lapse video.
JUNE 2022
June has come and gone, and Crossland Construction Company has put in long hours at the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex! Watch this time lapse video to see crews prepare sidewalks, grade and level the site, paint, polish floors, and install decorative wood paneling.
MAY 2022
Work on the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex is progressing inside and out! In May, Crossland Construction Company’s team set to work installing doors, cabling, wood panels, lights, millwork, and drywall inside the building. Outside, crews installed curbs and gutters, and prepared the site for future work on sidewalks, paving, and the outdoor stage. See this (and some awesome glimpses of the building’s interior) in the latest time lapse video!
APRIL 2022
Another time lapse video from the construction site of the Cornell Complex! April may have flown by, but construction crews were still able to install storm sewer piping and underground electrical, grade driving lanes, fix perforated metal panels to the building’s exterior, and work on sidewalks, curbs, and gutters. See all of that and more in this update!
MARCH 2022
Progress on the Cornell Complex continues! Watch March’s time lapse video to see construction crews paint, waterproof terraces, and install drywall, insulated metal panel trim, and low voltage cabling.
February 2022
What a month for the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex! Despite February’s freezing temperatures and wintery weather, Crossland Construction has diligently continued installing exterior metal panels, glazing, and the building’s signage. See all of this and more in the latest time lapse video from the future site of the Cornell Complex.
The new year is here and the beginning of 2022 brought with it a variety of new, exciting changes to the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex! Tune into the latest timelapse video to see the building’s transformation as construction crews install insulated metal panels and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing rough-ins over the course January 2022.
December 2021 flew by but, even as the days grew shorter, Crossland Construction put in long hours at the future site of the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex. Watch the time lapse update below to see them install the building’s roof, insulate pipes, and continue plumbing, electrical, and duct work – all condensed into one minute!
Watch Crossland Construction crews turn to more detailed work on the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex! From installing the fire suppression system and preparing the roof for further work, to continuing interior and exterior framing, see it all come together in the newest time lapse video update.
Construction on the Harry M. Cornell Arts & Entertainment Complex continues in the newest time lapse video! Watch Crossland Construction prepare and install the building’s roof and continue exterior framing.
September 2021
See exterior and interior stud framing, additional electrical and plumbing work, steel frame painting, and more progress in the time lapse update for September!
Catwalk installation, masonry work, roof decking, floor protection – see Crossland Construction’s crew working on all of these items and more in the latest time lapse video from the future site of the Cornell Complex!
JULY 2021
Despite heat and rain, Crossland Construction has worked diligently to form the bare bones of our building by pouring concrete and erecting steel. Watch the latest progress pass by in the blink of an eye!
JUNE 2021
Enjoy watching the first time lapse video from the Cornell Complex construction site! Watch weeks worth of foundation, plumbing, electrical, and structural work fly by as Joplin’s new home for the arts begins to take shape.